Mission & Vision


  • Promote the professional growth, development and advancement of Hispanics at Xerox, resulting in increased representation at all levels.
  • Establish and maintain a growing partnership with Xerox Upper Leadership while maintaining a strong connection to the Hispanic local communities.
  • Communicate a positive image and build upon our proud Hispanic heritage and values.
  • Foster mentorship and development in the areas of education, networking and career advancements.
  • Contribute to Xerox Workforce Diversity Strategy with our unique and valuable culture made up of outstanding, results-driven, optimistic people who are committed and dedicated to the achievement of Xerox goals and objectives.


  • Achieve a substantially higher HISPANIC representation at all ranks of Xerox Corporation.
  • To see many more Latinos in key decision-making positions contributing to the success of our Company in a marketplace with rapidly changing demographics.
  • This will be attained by promotions intake, retention, professional development and training, and career advancement of HAPA members.

Ray Mellado, a HAPA founder noted in his speech in 2011 that our mission was driven by a fourfold vison: 

  1. “Adelante” towards Hiring/Intake Representation and Hispanic Community Involvement (key role of HAPA local Chapter Leadership)
  2. “Adelante” with Management Representation (Drive mentoring, growth and development into key management assignments)
  3. “Adelante” with Executive Performance to Metrics and Targets across all Business Units and Senior Positions (Corporate Diversity Vision)
  4. “Adelante” with Corporate Giving to Hispanic Education and other important Initiatives (Foundation Support)

A Few Fun Facts:

  • In a speech, 13 years ago here in Rochester, Anne Mulcahey, then CEO stated: “A quote I really like is from no less a sage than Oprah Winfrey. Oprah says that, “People make things happen. All the rest is window dressing.” If you accept that logic then it stands to reason that any organization would want to attract the best people with the most ideas and broadest experience. Clearly, you would not rule out  any segment of the population from your  potential labor pool. In fact you would want to attract the most diverse group of  people possible“.
  • The second largest city on the continent with most Guatemalans is Los Angeles and Central Americans are now the fastest growing Latino group in the US.
  • Hispanics represent 16% of the US workforce and 38% of Californians are Hispanic. 36 million Hispanics speak Spanish at home as well as English.
  • In 2007, salsa outsold ketchup,– $462.3 million to $298.9 million. Tortilla chips are now outpacing sales of potato chips and now that football season has started, just remember 8,000,000 pounds (3,600,000 kg) of guacamole are consumed during the Super Bowl.

And To Continue The Fun…
US Hispanic and Digital Usage “
How They Differ from Non-Hispanics and from One Another”

eMarketer Report- June 13, 2017
Executive Summary In the days of the “digital divide,” Hispanics’ usage was distinguished largely by its shortfall vs. that of the general population. Now, while some differences in digital usage remain between Hispanics and non-Hispanics, the variations among Hispanics themselves seem to matter at least as much. Variations due to age and to the number of generations a family has been in the US tend to be the most striking.

  • Hispanics still lag in internet penetration, but just slightly. Even among bilingual Hispanics, much usage is conducted in Spanish. A majority of third-generation Hispanics seek more online content that speaks to them as Hispanics.
  • Hispanics were early adopters of smartphones, but the population in general has caught up. An above-average proportion of Hispanics have mobile-only internet access. As with other ethnicities, young Hispanics make more use of smartphones than their elders do.
  • Social media penetration is slightly above average among Hispanics, though Facebook penetration is a bit below average. WhatsApp has an outsized Hispanic constituency. Even among third-generation Hispanics, social usage is important for keeping connected to Hispanic culture.

Click here for more information

Hispanic Demographic Data:

  • Today, the 100 largest counties by Hispanic population contain 71% of all Hispanics. Los Angeles County, CA alone contains 4.8 million Hispanics, or 9% of the nation’s Hispanic population. But the share of all Hispanics who live in these same counties has fallen from 75% in 2000 and 78% in 1990, reflecting Hispanic population growth outside of these 100 counties (see also Fry, 2008).



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